A friend of mine recently remarked on the fact that we've stopped writing in our blogs, and how that's made it difficult to keep up with all the day to day things that make up our lives. So here I sit, on a Sunday morning over a year after my last post, and a little bit stumped on how to recap the last year. How can one cram a bazillion tiny things into a super nerdy blog anyway?
There are so many things I could say about all of the huge changes in my life in the last year, but I've decided that the best way to capture a period of time is just to summarize. Try not to be bored to tears overly excited with my lackluster narrative.
After 7 looong years, Nolan finally finished his road through med school and residency. We celebrated with MANY World Cup festivities (Oranje!), and squeezing in all the time we could muster with all of our dear friends in the Bay Area.
Quakes vs. Galaxy game. Landon Donovan was sad panda on the field after his US team rejection. |
Then, we packed up everything, like...two days before our lease was up, and moved to Sacramento. I don't think I've EVER hated moving and packing as much as this time, and we've done it a fair amount. I said goodbye to our sheep pasture in Redwood City, my desk at Corporate HQ, and really excellent Indian food.
And then...a few days after moving, I got a call about a project in Atlanta for work. After just going from New Jersey to India/Nepal to Scottsdale, I was a little travelled out. But I packed up again and spent a few weeks living and working in Atlanta, while Nolan was in Italy having a solo trip during his month between residency and work. I was a tiny bit jealous, but he DID stop in Atlanta on his way back to visit and spend a weekend eating ALL OF THE BARBEQUE we could find in Georgia and the Carolinas.
And then I got home and went straight to Napa for a leadership team meeting. In which my colleague made me take pictures every 5 minutes. Like this one.
And then the fall happened, and my life was basically consumed with Sacramento...I found an amazing CrossFit box that I was totally in love with, found a church and a community of pretty freaking rad people, spent lots of time biking to incredible coffee places...and even found bomb Indian food.
Of course, as anticipated for SO LONG...we added a little buddy to our family :) Daley Blind Caldwell is super cute...and an absolute TERROR. But we love him. And so does Milo. Instead of putting up a thousand pictures of my puppy, I'll only relegate you to three that shows the sweet little friends together.
Waiting for treats. When Milo was still marginally taller than Daley. |
Waiting for shots together at the vet. Milo's an old hat at this but Daley's obviously concerned. |
Sleeping on the futon. Daley was still only 40 lbs here and he is 51 now so... |
Then we had our annual Christmas extravaganza, which was even more exciting this year because we closed on our house on Christmas Eve! We spent much time negotiating with the sellers and finally were able to move in on December 26. We L O V E our new neighbourhood.
The men in my life being forced onto one couch Christmas morning. |
Moving was...exhausting. And would have been totally impossible without our army of friends to help hoist things over balconies and carry endless boxes. So that was time-consuming for many weeks. Then I ran my first trail half-marathon (so fun!), ate lots of carbs, did my first CrossFit Open (SO nerve-wracking but SO fun!), and spent many hours chasing Daley away from tearing up our drip system.
Finally after getting mostly settled into the new house (this picture was still pre-furniture), we celebrated Nolan's big 3-0 with, what else? A
Rijsttafel. And many friends and full hearts.
Post-Rijsttafel hanging. Table looks like crap because we aren't technically fitted for so many people. |
And here's where I insert the obligatory cute picture of us from a wedding we went to...
NBD, just my smokin' hot husband. |
These days, my life is pretty much comprised of late working nights, early workout mornings, constantly chasing Daley, sitting on a train to San Francisco for meetings, finding new ways to appreciate my girlfriends, and trying to convince Nolan to bike to Vic's ice cream with me. Doesn't get much better than that!
And don't worry, future posts won't be as dry, so you can put away that pencil with which you were about to poke out your eyes.