Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Air Raid

San Francisco does air raid siren tests several times a week downtown, with their actual air raid system going full-blast from the speakers. I'm not sure why they feel the need to publicly test them this often (or at all?), because now every time I hear them, I tune them out and think Ah, another test. The city that cried wolf, anyone?

My dad sent me this picture of the ranch on Saturday morning...by the time we got there on Saturday afternoon, it was all melted. But just look how gorgeous it is!

The 4 of us went biking around Lake Natomas on Sunday - a fun 15 mile bike ride that I think none of us really knew would take so long. We also didn't anticipate the hills. Heh.
But the next morning, apparently only my mom and I were sore, because my dad and Nolan got up and went mountain biking off somewhere beyond Lotus while I sipped a misto with ylehsa.

We also stopped for dinner and Settlers and Blokus with Sam and Steven last night in Davis. So fun to catch up with friends and learn new games! Even though neither Caldwell took home a Settler's victory. Lame!

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