Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I can't even believe that August is halfway over. I waited months and months to wear shorts and flip-flops and now I'm looking forward to pulling out my pumpkin recipes and chili and soups. The year is slipping by quickly, and I've already begun thinking of christmas! So many things to look forward to. This week, I'll try to focus on the present a bit:

1. I'm thankful for our upcoming vacation! Just two weeks from now, we'll be almost to Roatan, and ready to go deep under the sea! I'm excited...and a little bit nervous. But I'm so thankful we have time together to do fun things like this!
2. I'm thankful for good work at my job. I like having challenging tasks to keep my mind engaged.
3. I'm thankful for great weather! It's been really warm, but not unbearably hot. In fact, tonight I don't even have the A/C on (woohoo!), but I'm comfy enough to sit here with wet hair and not get a chill.
4. I'm thankful for Nolan. He's just my favourite person and I have so much fun with him. I can't even say how lucky I am.
5. I'm thankful for friends that keep me challenged. Whether it's working out together or just talking and encouraging each other, they're really special.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

chels said...

I'm thankful for vacation, seeing my husband again after two months in different continents and for my new iPad :)