Monday, October 15, 2012

a case of the mondays

Maybe it's because I got my flu shot this morning, but today has been tiring. Also because I am running a little bit low on sleep after the weekend? Who knows. Either way, I'm secretly hoping my bootcamp after work will be low-key (it never is though!) so I can be lazy. Ah well.

This weekend Nolan and I headed up the hill to visit the fam in Placerville. Sadly, our mountain bikes went from the car to the work palace, and never saw the dirt. But! There is always next time. And we did other fun things. Like going to sushi with Nate at one of our fave spots:

Having an egg-cracking contest to see who could crack their share of 250 eggs into this bucket the fastest. I think Nolan would have won if he didn't cheat by leaving an eggshell in there. Don't worry - it didn't go to waste! The eggs were eaten by 90 men the next morning and apparently delicious. But still.
 Check out all those shells!
 We hung out with Gramma, who is the newest magnet for the animals with her fuzzy blankets.
 And as usual, the not so fun part: leaving to go back home. Milo anticipated this as he always does, and picked a bomb hiding spot. If Nate hadn't secretly seen him crawl in, we never would have found him. Check it out - can you see him back there?

 Here's the zoom-out (below).
He was in the left cabinet behind all the photo albums. I don't understand how such a pea-brained creature can always outwit us. Like the time he hid behind my mom's books in her room and blended in with the white wall. Or when he tucked himself under the covers at my in-laws house, and we couldn't find him for ages because he had laid so flat we thought he was just a wrinkle in the bed covers.

Anyway, he eventually came out, but went back into hiding (in a NEW place!) right before we had to leave. Since we didn't find his hiding place that time ($5 says he was under the house, since we caught Hagrid sneaking out of there when Nolan brought treats to coax them out), we had to leave him up there temporarily. I guess I'll pick him up this weekend since I'm going back anyway. But this time I'm putting him on lock-down.

We also took our Christmas pictures while up there. I am amazed at how quick and painless it was this year! So excited that Christmas is just two and a half months away!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Dangit! I keep thinking about Christmas card pictures and procrastinating, thinking, "It's way too soon. Nobody else is even thinking about it, so why should I?" seems the time has come :)