Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday Funday

I thought since it's been just about a month since my last post, it's time for me to get back to posting. I needed a little hiatus from just about everything, so I included the blog in that. A lot of fun stuff has happened in the last month, including of course our tropical vacation (woohoo!), working, weddings, more working, and a ton of planning for the next few weeks and months. We're getting into the Fall swing of things, which means small groups are starting back up, holidays and parties need to be planned, fun outings with friends, and we're seriously planning our next vacation (or trying...). With all that, we need a break every once in awhile. And I know, I'm busy every evening because I make it so...but it's still nice to have some alone time or spouse time to relax. Yesterday after church I met up with ylehsa, who happened to be in town for a few hours. We grabbed lunch, caught up, watched tv shows on know. Then after she left, Nolan woke up from his nap (he's working nights right now), and we got to cuddle and catch up, eat dinner, and we even had the time to drive to our favourite froyo spot in Palo Alto and walk and eat delicious treats before he had to go back to work. Those are the times I most cherish. After that I had the rest of the night to myself, so I did a little workout and just relaxed before an early bedtime. I'd call that a Sunday Funday. My brother and sister-in-law have a Sunday Funday each week as a tradition, and I thought I'd rip it off for my own uses, even if that just means doing whatever I want for a day!

Since I recently rediscovered our vitamix-style blender, I've been getting more into good smoothie and shake recipes, and have been excited that I can really easily make a delicious smoothie into a protein-packed snack (tasty AND functional!). My new favourite breakfast and nod to fall is the pumpkin spice protein shake, to which I add oats to give me my morning grains that I need. Today for my snack, I brought a spinach berry smoothie, so I get my veggies, protein (greek yogurt in there), and tasty fruits...all with no sugar or fat added! Lesson learned over the weekend: actually measure the spinach. I didn't do this, and just threw in handfuls of it. After choking down what was basically a shredded salad, I realized that I probably added twice as much spinach as was called for. Blech. Green smoothies CAN be tasty...if you do them right. Tomorrow: carrot or beet, depending on my mood!

Next on my list of purchases: a good mountain bike. I am a big fan after going a few times (see pic below at Black Mountain), and really need a bike so I don't have to keep renting! We'll see if I can find what I'm looking for so that Nolan and I can start going on days off together.

Tonight after work and my hike with a friend, I'm setting out the fall decorations. I might even make a batch of pumpkin gnocchi to freeze (Nolan's favourite!), and I'm definitely making a chocolate chip pumpkin pizookie (don't worry, it's healthy...other than the chocolate chips in it) for bible study tomorrow night. That link is from one of my favourite dessert blogs. Check it out!

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