Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that it's Thursday because it means the end of this week at work...and the end of the Stair Climbing Challenge at work. Every day I was in the office (3 days this week), I avoided the elevator at all costs. And since my building is a high-rise, it was a ridiculous workout. Each flight is 23 stairs. So one day I did 102 flights, the next day I did 226 flights (!), and today I did 149 flights. Talk about buns of steel. Here's a crappy picture of the view from my floor to the basement. 22 floors up, and all you can really see is the green of the handrail. Oh well, you can take my word that it's a long way down.

To unwind a little last weekend too, Ash U and I watched a classic movie at her place, cooked dinner, and laid on the couch in our pjs...with a glass (or two) of wine, pecan bites, and a delicious Midori sour/margarita because that's the only cocktail I really know how to make.

After our night, we walked back home and played Settlers (again) with Jacob and Nolan. Ash caught this picture while Nolan was wagging his finger at us (in his robe of course) for accidentally trying to cheat. Oops. This picture pretty much sums up Nolan...and why I love him.

As for me, I'm personally feeling really great that it's Thursday. So here we go:

1. I'm thankful for sleeping in tomorrow! I've been babysitting all week, which means SUPER early mornings and no sleep.

2. I'm thankful for my boss, who is so flexible with our upcoming busy year, and lets me work from home sometimes when I need to catch up on things. So nice!

3. I'm so grateful for the timer on our coffeepot. Waking up so early is only bearable when there is coffee already freshly brewed to greet me in the mornings.

4. I'm thankful for the family I babysit for. It's a good way to earn some extra money, and it's SO NICE to be able to drive to work for the week and not worry about parking. Plus their kids are super cute.

5. I'm thankful for Tuttimelon, because a couple times this week I've needed just a little something to satisfy the sweet tooth, and I always get to take a friend with me to get some gelato here.

6. I'm thankful for my Father-in-Law, who spent the whole week with us, and was a blast to have over. He is an easy person to entertain, and just generally very easy-going. He is a wonderful Father (and Father-in-Law) and person to be around. We love him! Not to mention, his awesome rapping skills.

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