Friday, January 7, 2011

I used to have OCD but now I just floss regularly

I have decidedly not made any New Year's Resolutions this year, which is why I haven't mentioned any (the espresso thing is a necessity, and I didn't start on January 1 anyway). But I have definitely started some good habits, which are sticking better than I'd hoped. Like after drinking my sparkly pink mug of coffee THAT I DID NOT BUY (I brewed it at home and brought it), I immediately rinse my mouth with water, drink several gulps, floss meticulously, drink more water...

Another one is bringing lunch every day, because lunch downtown can get expensive. Even though it's so tasty. Sigh.

And yet another is trying to sleep better, by going to bed before 10, and keeping my eyes shut while I sleep by wearing my nice sleeping mask. And I look so attractive in it! Yes, I'd say the combo of my mask, my retainer, and my nappy pajamas is sure to turn Nolan's head. Just add a dash of morning breath from the old retainer, and I'm a veritable sex symbol. The mask though, is proving hard to get used to, as I generally wake up to it on the floor, or wrapped around my throat trying to strangle me quietly in the night.

Who wears sleeping masks anyway, except for maybe Tim Fullman? But then again, Tim Fullman seems the kind of guy who most likely goes to bed early and eats PBJs for lunch and flosses every maybe this all makes sense afterall.

In keeping with some bad habits of last year, I'll just post a quick link for this stumble, because it quite literally had me seeing things. Be prepared. Unless, as it warns, you have epilepsy, in which case maybe you shouldn't even click on this link.

Also, my oh-so-endearing Father-in-Law sent me a short clip he found of himself (what, I thought I was the only person in the world who googles themselves) doing what he does best. Behold, the elusive John Caldwell in its natural habitat:


Silverfox said...

My natural habitat huh? Shall I try it out in downtown SF on Monday?? That would get some looks!

Noemma said...

Don't worry...I google my name too! :D