Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I think time slows down as we get closer to the weekend, because naturally we want it to speed up. And like every good thing, it seems unattainable until you just push through the slowest part of your day and then FINALLY it's yours. And absolutely worth the wait. I don't even have big exciting plans this weekend, but oh the sleeping in and the slow breakfast with Nolan and coffee while we indulge in his latest tv obsession, and my morning yoga and leisurely long shower? How sweet are Saturdays.

But wait. It's only I guess I should be thankful that at least there's only one more day of the workweek left.

1. I'm thankful for my dentist. I had an appointment this week and not only is he super nice and friendly, but he's thorough and he even does the teethcleaning himself, so that he can really get to know my teeth, haha. Also he got the coffeestain off of my front bottom tooth, so I LOVE HIM for that/hate that coffee and wine stain your teeth.

2. I'm thankful for my new clothes. Nolan treated me to a shopping spree recently, and I've been wearing new clothes for 2 weeks now and it feels fabulous. I feel more spunky and cute when I have cute new clothes!

3. I'm thankful for the many wonderful churches in San Francisco. We tried a new one (just to check it out) this Sunday, and it was fantastic! Did I mention we saw lots of old friends there from other worlds (college and even high school!)? Random.

4. I'm thankful and proud of my tutoree, because not only has she made amazing progress in the time we've been working together, but she is choosing Harry Potter for her next book and how could I not love that? Oh yeah, and she's taking her driver's exam next week, for which we've been preparing for MONTHS. Woohoo!

5. My life. Sound exhaustive? It should, because it is. I just have such a great life, and it is nice to take a minute and just admire it and think of how wonderful it is. Even though there are always messy things and hard things, the beautiful things make it all worthwhile. Ok I know, I'm a sap.

As my yoga teacher asks in each class, "What are you grateful for?"

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