Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Since I've already received a comment about my lack of thankfulness today (ahem), it seems I've forgotten something. Oh right. Thankful Thursday. So let me blame it on the Monday holiday confusing me, since I genuinely forgot what day of the week it was. On that note:
1. I'm thankful Monday was a holiday. Short weeks are the best.
2. In lieu of my bitter feelings towards the USPS (see post below), I'm thankful that the mail person at least delivers our mail, albeit in confusing, stupid ways. Sometimes at work the mail won't be delivered for a few days in a row and then we'll have a slew of "why haven't you sent back my form?!". Okay okay, off topic.
3. I'm thankful for personal freedoms. Call me crazy, but I'm already not looking forward to Nolan being all censored shut over in China. My aunt sent me a facebook note from China saying facebook is forbidden over there. Hah. Hurrah for VPNs. Anyway, I also learned recently that 1/3 of the pollution in Central and Northern California is floated over from China, and China has the second highest (to Cairo) level of toxins in their air. Apparently,the European Union stipulates that any reading above 40 micrograms is unsafe. The United States allows 50. In 2006, Beijing’s average level was 141. And on top of that, hundreds of thousands of deaths every year in China are caused by breathing the terrible air (by the way, I yanked most of this info from here), but the people there don't know about ANY of this because it is all censored. What a way to live. In a bubble...of both dirty information and dirty air.
4. I'm thankful for Milo. He's a dastardly little creature, but we love him. Last night I fell asleep with him at my feet instead of curled up on me, and I was woken up at 2am by him prodding me with his head, trying to get some cuddling in under my arm. Now if only he'd give up the location of his secret stash of watches, earrings, and the like.
5. I really am thankful for our apartment. Even though I gripe about certain things (ahem, laundry), it's got this fantastic extra room that has been a lifesaver. And it's close to Tuttimelon, so you know what more could you want?
6. I am thankful for my computer. It was a lovely gift a couple years ago, and when I come home from a day at the office using a Dell (@$*#!!!), it is SO nice to have something fast and reliable. And so sleek!

With that, I'm off to bed to think of all the other many things I'm grateful for in my life. Happy Friday tomorrow, folks.

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