Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Warmer Legs

If you were to ask me the single most important thing you need to survive in San Francisco, I'd say it depends on the season. Most of the year it's most likely money, if you want to really enjoy San Francisco. But this time of year, and for the past couple months, it's been leg warmers. I know I mentioned this last year when I was obsessed with them, but it wasn't a fad for me - a necessity! While my fingers are busily being consumed by chilblains, and I'm deciding between flipping the pages on my kindle and hiding my hands under my thighs to keep them warm, my legs and feet are happy because I have my nice furry leg warmers to keep them warm. And I mean constant companions, because not only do I wear them to bed, but also to work, and under my gym pants at yoga. They are the first thing I put on after a shower, and the only thing I don't take off when I change in the mornings. I figure, as long as I keep washing them, no harm in wearing them all the time! So just in case you're the girl next to me on the muni and you're wondering why my skinny jeans make it look like my calves could sustain a planet of their own, fear not: it's just the leg warmers.

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