Wednesday, January 26, 2011

roll it up

I stand corrected - as I sauntered past the Sushi place and its ridiculous line today (on my way to Tuttimelon DON'T JUDGE), I glanced inside and saw that it isn't just a build-your-own sushi place, but a Sushi-Burrito place...hence the name, Sushirrito. I also read on yelp that it's not only delicious, but also expensive and a 1-hour wait in line. So there you go.

I've been getting away with walking home from work quite often and doing my yoga 3 times a week, but I realized that it probably isn't sufficient to burn off the Tuttimelon, etc. I'm going to need to kick it into higher gear if I want to look like this:

No? Not a good look for me? I promise to tone it down but the resolution to bump it up a notch stands. Mostly because I've eaten crappy lately.

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