Thursday, January 20, 2011

sailboat in a bottle

Sometimes walking home from work can be out of the way, or freezing cold, or inconvenient because the only reason I did it was because my muni was broken down. But other times...

It's downright gorgeous, walking over the hills, enjoying the view, and exploring new neighbourhoods as I wander different routes for 3-4 miles until I get home.

When I got home today, I checked the mail (Nolan doesn't check it because he knows I love little surprises...and opening the mailbox is clearly a form of a surprise), and I saw this:

My thought was not "oh hey, our printer cartridges are here". It was more along the lines of WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. I mean seriously. That box is wedged in there, touching either side, in such a way that I'm pretty sure the mailman pried off the front of the boxes with his fingernails, and magicked that thing in there. There is just no other way. It's like how they get those miniature sailboats into bottles. A total mystery and complete waste of 2 peoples' time (the postal service and me). I'm now sitting here watching a movie after dinner, and guess what? The package is still in the mailbox. I guess I'll have to take a machete down there and hack off the box to get to the cartridge. Maybe I'll just leave a stinkbomb or a little tin of Milo's turds in there for him tomorrow. Afterall, who doesn't love a good surprise?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, what happened to your Thankful Thursday