Weekends are my fave.
More sleep, cuddling, fun with friends.
Waffles make my day.
Like that? A little haiku action to start us off right. This weekend was awesome. Again. I feel like I might max out my awesome weekend experiences, but we've got another one coming up in a few days. Friday night we had sushi at a new place (meh), and then saw "Elysium" at the theater in Mountain View, which we never do - I forgot movies are so fun! Saturday we slept until 8 (glory hallelujah that we both stayed asleep that long!), ate our zucchini bread oatmeal, and then headed out for some mountain biking up at Russian Ridge with a couple friends. We stopped at Robert's Market for lunch afterwards and noshed on our weird deli lunches while getting our energy back. I pretty much spent the rest of the day doing chores and baking an Oreo cookie pie (healthy, duh!) and making Sangria, and then we hosted a bunch of friends for a ferocious game night.
We also checked more items off of our bucket list this weekend - fun! On Sunday, we drove up to Berkeley for lunch at Wat Mongkolratanaram - the Thai Temple (Buddhist) located there. The temple monks and volunteers host a traditional Thai lunch there every Sunday until 1pm. So you show up, swap your money for tokens, and then use the tokens to buy however much food they'll cover. We decided to just try a bunch of things!
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Oooh, fake money. |
It was outside of the temple with a bunch of tents and booths set up. We waited in line forever...but it was worth it!
Tasty, tasty, cheap curries. We sampled some from each plate - delicious!
This is what the temple looked like from the street - basically a house with fancy trimmings. But there was a fantastic ceremony and dancing (and children singing, which was NOT fantastic) around one side, so that was cool.
On that note, I can officially say that we're going to Thailand!...in 2 weeks from today. Hah. We bought our tickets just a tad last-minute, and now I've been using every spare minute to plan an itinerary, book other travel, research, and get Visas to the other countries we plan to visit (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar if we can swing it). WOOHOO!
Another item on our bucket list: Stern Grove Festival. I CANNOT BELIEVE we lived so close to this (really, walking distance) for 4 years and never went. I mean:
- it's a concert with great artists
- it's free
- it's in the middle of a random forest in San Francisco
We dawdled in the sunset for awhile before battling horrific parking and walking through the whole park to get here, but we really wanted to see Pink Martini. We were totally amazed by the "venue", if you can call it that, when we arrived, and literally hiked up the side of the canyon to perch on some dirt to listen. This was our view of Pink Martini. Sigh. What I CAN tell you is that they were FANTASTIC live, and that those trees smelled awesome.
Our "seats"! Nothing beats a natural theater. We are totally going back next weekend. And this time we're bringing wine, cheese, fruit, other yuppie delectables. You know, for the full experience. We were the only ones there without at least a bottle of wine to pass around, and very sad about that fact.
On the walk back, I caught Jacob doing some urban foraging for some blackberries. Very San Francisco. Bonus hipster points for the Laotian beer hoodie. I may have eaten some myself if I was 50% sure that they may have been peed on at some point.