Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Here we are again at Thursday. I love these days. I didn't get in my yoga today, but I did get a fantastic WOD in this morning that involved me throwing big weights over my head. Hah - maybe not as relaxing as yoga.

Tomorrow's rest day, though, which means a nice long run in the morning, MAYBE some yoga at lunch if it's not too hot in here...and since I work from home Fridays, it also means I get to sleep until glorious 6am, and I get my protein waffles for breakfast. I love life.

Tonight N and I biked to our favourite Thai place for dinner, I ate copious amounts of steamed veggies, and we planned out our trip in a few weeks. Lest I jinx the trip, I won't say where until we've actually bought tickets. Yeah. This is probably the latest we've ever waited to buy international tickets and plan a trip, because of just plain indecisiveness. It's maddening.

But I digress: it's Thursday, and there's an awful lot to be thankful for this week:

1. I'm thankful for a full social calendar. I kind of fell off the face of the earth for awhile, and it's good to be back in the swing of things. Not many free nights in the next month, and I kind of like it that way!
2. I'm thankful for the opportunity and means to take a fun trip with mi amor. We made a deal years ago to take full advantage of our youth and free time before kids, mortgages, all that jazz...and we're sticking to it. We fully realize how fortunate we are!
3. I'm thankful for my new job. I have been so mentally tired (Nolan laughs at this one, because okay - I can't really say I'm tired as compared to him) from trying to learn the ropes and step into a much more challenging role than I've been in before. I feel a little bit like the grinch, except instead of my heart growing three sizes (that day), it's my head and it feels like it's going to explode! In a sort of good way, though.
4. I'm thankful for a few days of extra sleep coming up. I've had way too many early days in a row lately, and it'll be nice to be at home eating breakfast and starting work at 7:30am instead of sitting at my desk in the city and already have been answering emails for an hour, worked out, showered, eaten, and commuted to SF by that time. Do I sound like a whiner yet?
5. I'm thankful for God's little mercies. Like a song I need to absorb on the radio, or a blissful run without knee pain, or a great conversation, or a little bit of dessert still waiting for me in the fridge at home :) These things remind me that I'm cherished to the nth degree.

What are you thankful for?

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