Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Civilized West

It's no secret that I am a huge fan of celeb sites and general mind-trash like,, etc. Hey, I'm educating myself in the fine art of "pop culture". Also when we have trivia nights I know all those random facts that nobody else pays attention to. Oh yeah. So maybe it's not the most intelligent fluff to fill my head with, BUT STILL. So when I saw this article posted, I felt vindicated because I knew it would give at least one person a laugh. Also I am considering mailing this woman a check :)
Massachusetts Woman Threw Dog Poop In Driver's Face
I guess if we move to Boston, we'll just have to drive nice and slow in residential neighbourhoods.

Why is it that when you get something new, you feel a compulsion to check on it all the time? Like, that car isn't going anywhere and it is parked on a nice safe curb, but I still feel like I have to go look at it each day just to make sure, even though I regularly forgot about the old car. On another note, my nightmares have disappeared, so I'm back to my regular old dreams, like about Milo and flying and occassionally the circus.

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