Monday, October 11, 2010


Fall is truly the beginning of all things awesome in the year. Like, Christmas, Starbucks' holiday drinks, decorations, peppermint bark on sale, and the second-to-last Harry Potter movie. Speaking of which, tonight is Harry Potter night at Ash U's, and we're watching the 6th one, and I'm having another coffee right now so I can make sure and not fall asleep.

I start babysitting again this week in the mornings (Tues-Fri), so if you talk to me, expect clipped, tired-sounding sentences, because as if getting up so early wasn't enough, those kids wear me out! The positive? Money for all of your Christmas presents: done. Also driving their car to work instead of taking the muni is pretty awesome.

I feel like Darcy has been a new addition to the family rather than just my insurance policy. I have been looking for excuses to drive him around or tag along with Nolan so I can test out the backseat. The only downside is that now I feel like I need to wash him every 2 days to keep him shiny and sparkly! Mostly because cars in the city get SO dirty SO fast, and I just never realized it until we had a car with a nice paint job. Huh.

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