Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why can't blackcurrant tea taste like it smells? Why?

Back to yoga today after a week's hiatus due to Health Fair mania. But good ole Sandy was out and a new teacher was taking her place. And the energy he had...whoo. I haven't actually felt like sitting down on my crappy little mat with claw marks in it (because someone thinks it's a scratching toy) and sobbing because my arms were sore in quite some time. Bravo.
ps - get me a new mat for Christmas. thx.

Trader Joe's has these little microwave meals that are generally pretty awesomely delicious. But. I tried one awhile ago that was like...couscous with roasted veggies and garlic and parmesan. It never made it to my mouth because while I kept it in my insulated lunch bag in my locker while at the gym in the morning, it melted and I had melty eggplant and couscous juice dripping out of my bag and on my stuff. I tried to laugh it off and told a girl on my floor at work that it was like junior high all over again, but she just gave me a blank look which told me that kind of thing never happened to her. Awkward. Anyway, so I still wanted to try it - it sounds delicious! Right? NOPE. Not only was it still drippy (this time I kept it cold and in the fridge the whole time!), but it was also DIS.GUS.TING. Also the juices ran all over my hands and MUST have gotten on my water bottle, because I was sipping it and all I could smell was this weird rotten plastic/fish smell. I had my coworker sniff it and she didn't notice anything funny. Who knows. So I tossed it and opened a new bottle. And then microwaved a leftover lean pocket that I had sitting in the fridge. Yay.

After some quality hours of sleep yesterday, I feel almost fully better now - and better rested. Just in time for the weekend to sleep even more, hah!

Alas, no amount of rest can get me back into scrapbooking mood. I want to facebook and watch new episodes of Outsourced and eat cereal and crochet and stroke Milo and hurtle into Nolan's stomach when he walks in the door, but not scrapbooking. It's about now that I think I've scrapbooked myself to death, and can't force myself to do it, or it'll turn out to be some sloppy photos of an ocean pasted over a Mexican coin with maybe some cornflakes and bits of Milo's fur stuck in the glue. So I'll stop until I feel like it again.

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