As you can see from my previous post, cleaning up after the Christmas party was something I was DREADING after work yesterday. And Nolan had emailed me asking if we could have a date night and all I could think was “this cleaning is going to ruin it!”. So imagine my shock and delight when I walked up to the front door and saw that our Christmas lights were on…furthermore, when I walked into the house, candles were lit and it smelled warm. And then I saw the pile of folded clothes on the bed waiting to be put away. And that the dishes were completely washed AND dried AND put away. And the trash was taken out. And leftovers were packaged in the fridge. And hot water was ready on the stove for a hot cup of cider for me. And my perfect husband was waiting for me in the living room. So we went on a nice walk, grabbed Tuttimelon and chatted, and then because we were feeling sappy, we opened our Christmas presents for each other early. YES, we RUINED CHRISTMAS, and it was GLORIOUS.
So then we sat down and played a nice long game of Carcassonne and I sipped my mulled wine in another attempt at sleeping as well as I had the night before. Best.night.ever.
I have been so cold, that not only have my chilblains made their annual appearance (hello, misery!), but I shiver while waiting for the muni EVEN bundled up. So I have started wearing leg warmers. Under my pants at work, over my pajama leggings. And let me tell you: what a giant scarf does for your neck, leg warmers do 5 times that for your legs. Amazing. I'm going to go buy more today!
Tomorrow is our floor's cookie party, so tonight Nolan and I are slaving away trying to make fancy cookies and coming up with interesting recipes. Any ideas?
I also have to add that I've recently invested in a highly recommended product and I will do the same for you and tell you right now that it will change your life if you are as lazy/busy as I am!

Oscar Blandi dry shampoo: I didn't have time to wash my hair this morning, and thought it would be okay since I am hitting the gym at lunchtime, but I needed a quick fix for my (temporary!) unclean hair. I saw Nolan's eyes light up when he saw this product, too, and I am fairly certain this will be the lifesaver during the holidays and traveling to and from Mexico. I hate unwashed plane/travel hair. Now: no more!
Here's the link if you're interested!