Monday, December 7, 2009


Today I was reminded that I'm not in the country anymore--when I left the gym at lunch, it started hailing outside, and everyone on the street starts yelling, "omg, it's SNOWING!" and pulling out their iPhones to snap a picture and immediately post it on facebook. I didn't have the heart to yell "It's hail, you idiots!". I even heard one girl on her cell phone saying "well it isn't sticking yet, but..." and I sniggered as I walked past, secretly hoping she would be watching out her window all afternoon wondering why it never stuck.

This morning on the muni I was thoroughly engrossed in my book, and when we got to my stop, I was so confused--I could have sworn I was on my way HOME from work and that it was Friday...not that I was on my way TO work on a Monday. How depressing. I need to get more sleep tonight and not let Milo hog the bed.

Last night I was making gingerbread cookies for our small group, and also to make our house smell delicious and Christmassy, and instead I singed off my armhairs on the stove and our house smelled like burning hair/flesh instead of warm delicious gingerbread. So, Merry Christmas, Hannibal Lector.

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