Thursday, December 10, 2009

merry holydays

Yesterday the muni lost power downtown, so a little before 6 I was standing on the 30-degree, windy San Francisco street with dripping wet hair from the gym, a heavy bag, and no bus in sight. Plenty went right by because they were super crowded, but I ended up taking a random one that only went halfway to my house, and then walking home. Almost 2 hours later I walked through that door, and man, I have never been so grateful for a nice warm hot dog. I know everyone says SF has a great Public Trans system, but seriously I have been on public transportation systems in some of the busiest cities in the world: Paris, Rome, London, New York, Washington D.C., etc. San Francisco can't hold a candle to ANY of those, and in my mind, if I would consider paying for parking downtown every day instead of taking pub trans, something has got to be fixed...

Other than the inhumanely freezing temperatures in San Francisco, I've found that it just doesn't feel Christmassy here. I can't wait to move to an area where there are seasons (imagine that!) and holidays again. Plus I'm tired of having to say "Happy Holidays" when really I want to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS". Oh, America.


Pops said...

I feel for your dear. Imagine an Akin...Caldwell woman wothout the Christmas cheer in the air.

Noemma said...

I know! "Happy Holidays" just isn't the same!!!