Monday, March 12, 2012


Since I've been out of town (or for no reason at all I guess), I decided to go all out on Saturday for our breakfast. It was Nolan's day off, so we slept in - glorious! -and got up slowly to do some fun reading, eat breakfast, and have coffee together. I made Nolan's absolute favourite - eggs benedict, and he grabbed my phone and took a picture while he was destroying it. So it's not the prettiest picture. And it doesn't capture the fresh berry salad, bacon, english muffins, and delicious homemade hazelnut lattes I had made! Boo.
The whole day was pretty awesome, since we were lazy and did a lot of reading and lounging around. That evening we went over to a friend's house for Paxti's deep-dish (YUM!) and catching up with some of our dear city friends. Followed dinner by lemon bars = not the most healthy of days, but they're few and far between so it's okay.

Last night we were having dinner with some friends and their parents, when we got a horrifying text from my dad, saying that my mom broke her fibula while in Hawaii (how awful is that!) and was on the way to the ER to get it splinted until they can get back home on Tuesday. He included the picture below. Naturally I was a little worried, but when I talked to her on the phone she was her usual chipper self - if you know her, you know what I'm talking about, and it's pretty amazing under the circumstances. Apparently things were okay today, too, since I got this picture from her, with a text saying she was enjoying the pool. Even with the broken leg, I'm a little jealous. Note the flower - isn't she cute!

Can't wait for:
Nolan's Birthday!
St. Patrick's Day Party!
Hunger Games!
Game of Thrones season 2!

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