Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday

I really did mean to blog more recently. Especially with the holiday weekend and all that time on a plane last week...and it just didn't happen. It's that time of year at the office, where everything kind of hits the windshield at once, and I'm just trying to get my wipers to work. So here are a few old-ish pictures, and a few new-ish ones. This one is from the conference in DC I was at last week. Nothing better than a big room chock full of data nerds!

 ...and this is my plane window as we were about to take off. They de-iced the wings, and said they'd "try to get off the ground" as I'm looking at the snowflakes. Really instilled confidence in me, that did. Fortunately, we made it off the ground about 30 minutes before the storm really hit. Good thing, because I was running out of clothes :(

 At our conference in Vegas, there was a talk on executive presence. So naturally, I immediately went out and bought some new blazers when I had a spare hour before dinner in DC. Always a good reminder to clean myself up:
Sadly, because I got home so late from the East Coast, I was too tired to think logically and threw all my stuff in the washer, and forgot to sort it out.  So my red coat (yes Pop, the one I nabbed from a children's coat drive) dyed my favourite blazer and a few other key items a nice blotchy pink. Sad! Fortunately, the base colour was a light gray for a couple items, so I think I'm going to use this as an opportunity to try dying clothing!

It's been so busy with travel and visiting family and work that I've not had a lot of time to sit around at home and mope about Nolan being gone. As time goes by, it gets more lonely here...but that means I'm a little closer to joining him for vacation together! Apparently he's having a hoot of a time, trying new foods, meeting fun people and enjoying the amazing culture, and even going to Indian rock concerts:

Last weekend I was up at my parents' ranch to visit and just have quality time relaxing with those I care about the most. I got to hit the gym with my (not so) little brother and visit him at his new job:
 "Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get started for you?"

And then on Saturday, we went into town to check on a new addition to the family. While we were filling out the forms, we got to ogle the precious baby piglets (EEEEEE!!!!!) in the next spot.
 Nate even bonded with one. Sort of (note the screaming mouth). I think this picture is hilarious.
 Before long, we were on our way home, with my parents' newest child:
His name is Captain, and he's a ball of energy and sweetness. I even made him run 6 laps around the vineyard with me before I found out he's supposed to be taking it easy while he recovers from an illness. Oops. Next time. 

All in all, it's been a pretty good week...besides the missing Nolan fiercely bit. 

You may see a trend in my thankful items this week, but I'm okay with that.

1. I'm thankful that time is passing quickly before I get to be reunited with my love!
2. I'm thankful for a family that I'm lucky enough to also call friends, and for the support, challenge, and love they never fail to amaze me with.
3. I'm thankful for my meals this week. I got to either eat nice lunches with colleagues or dinners with friends, and I'm grateful for not having to eat alone (it amplifies any lonely feelings, you know!).
4. I'm thankful for Milo, who keeps me company (even though he tries to get me to play at 4am)!
5. I'm thankful for my job and workplace, and that I truly enjoy both. Not many people are that fortunate.

What are you thankful for?


Mrs. Campbell said...

I totally dreamt about you and milo last night! (We were on a road trip of some kind...)
Yay for vacations and time with your man soon! I hope you guys have a great time together. :)

Heidi said...

I love blazers! A gal can never have enough!!

Also, Nate and that pig! Hahahaha!!!!