Saturday, February 22, 2014

Minty Fresh

Last night I decided that I was going to just work my tail off, so that I could truly have a day of relaxation today. That means working as late as needed to get stuff off my plate, cleaning the house until bedtime, and checking off a lot of little "to-dos" like making dessert for girls night ahead of time. Okay fine, I also wanted a piece (mint nanaimo bars!) for myself last night.

Anyway. So although I had a ridiculously restless night of sleep, just knowing that today is a rest and relaxation day (and my day off from CrossFit), makes everything seem a little slower and sweeter. I got up, had my fave protein waffles (you can't have a Saturday without waffles!), listened to worship music, and slowly got dressed before heading out for a nice long walk. This afternoon, my plan is to get in a nice slow yoga session, read some more of my "Flawless Consulting" book (it's a homework assignment of sorts), do some shopping, and maybe even nap (oh the luxury!). Oh and attempt to dye my clothes that were ruined last week in the wash. We'll see how that goes.

While I was waiting for Nolan to call this morning, I got a text, which I was surprised to find was not from him, but from one of the trainers I work with sometimes. I had been working out with he and another trainer yesterday, informally. Apparently while he was recording the other guy's form, he also got a little bit of mine. Score! One of the most helpful things is being able to see yourself so you know what you need to fix:
Needless to say, I need to work on my thrusters :( But at least now I can see where the issues are!

Now if I can only get through the day without scarfing the whole pan of mint nanaimos before the girls come over tonight. 

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