Friday, October 15, 2010


I made the mistake of watching Marley & Me tonight. All I can say is that now not only do I want a puppy even MORE than before, but also my eyes are nice and moistened because my mom and I were sitting here SOBBING for the last 20 minutes of the movie. Maaarrrrlllleeeeeeey!

Another mistake: drinking a big bottle of water all in the car on the way up here. I was quite literally doubled over in the car until I was so blinded that I had to take the nearest exit and beg. This also could be because I was putting on my makeup this morning at 4:45am, and lived only on coffee. It does that to you. Speaking of which: my friend pointed out that I am the soccer mom of these. Who knows what that says.


Unknown said...

Is this your subtle way of telling me that I'm an old lady?

Heidi said...

My husband, the no-dog person of our household, refuses to watch Marley & Me because he knows the emotional impact it had on me - and he knows it'll do the same to him. I'm breaking him down though...someday I'll get him to watch it.