On Friday I was supposed to take the car up to Pville for the weekend, with Nolan joining me the next morning via motorcycle (so we could all go for a ride). So Friday morning at 5:45am I'm outside lugging my stuff to our car, and pop the trunk and...almost fainted. On the one hand, I was pleased to find my missing box of wheat thins. On the other hand, it's pretty awful to discover 2 bags of what used to be frozen chicken lying in your trunk completely decomposed and rotting. So what happened was that he was supposed to carry in the groceries last week after parking the car, and he forgot about those 2 bags...so they sat there, during that unusually warm San Francisco weather, and just rotted. And I am pretty sure there was a leak in the bag because it permeated the entire car. I had to drive that thing for 3.5 hours in the heat with the heater on (in case of overheating the engine) and the smell of tiny greasy carcasses wafting around and ruining my appetite for anything. It was absolutely horrifying. After many hours of detailing the car and getting it ready to sell this week, we got rid of most of the stench, but I would still say there is a definite funk in there, masked only slightly by the Pine Sol we drenched everything with. Anyway, Pine Sol reminds me of old people and vomit.
When Nolan did make it up there, we took off on a long motorcycle ride deep, deep into the mountains. To a place that is absolutely ridiculous, with ceilings literally papered with $1 bills (and the occasional BART pass). I'll post that picture when I get it, but for now:

Also, another component of my costume came today! 2, actually. And tell me, do you see anything wrong with this?

Also, when I ordered this I didn't realize I was, in essence, ordering a white person's do-rag.