Monday, September 20, 2010


After my GRE on Saturday, Nolan and I (and Jacob!) went to the new Sushi place in our neighbourhood to try out the food. And while Nolan is a bit of a Sushi snob, I thought it was pretty awesome...especially since it was like $3 for 8 pieces! After we finished there (and while the boys were still debating whether or not "octopus balls" were, in fact, just that) we headed over to trusty Tuttimelon for dessert, and decided to make it a big shebang:

By which I mean we got the Sumo cup, and filled it TO THE BRIM. Which was extremely embarrassing to me as the girl behind the counter scowled at us as Nolan kept building up the barricade of mini spoons to fill the wall of yogurt higher and higher. Hhh. Notice here how my side (the mango side) is significantly smaller than the boys' side.

The rest of the weekend I spent pretty much just relaxing and so forth, which was a nice change, and realized that now I can go back to the world of scrapbooking, friends, and other goodness. Also working out, because I've developed a little pudge in the last 4ish weeks and if you don't believe me you can come bury your finger in it and then tell me what you think.

1 comment:

Man learn GMAT said...

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