Thursday, July 1, 2010

Party Gorilla!

25 is the only year in my 20s so far that feels different. I feel older...but that's probably because I haven't felt anything on birthdays since I was like 15. So it was time for me to age a little bit. Hey, in another decade, I could be president legally!

I have the most thoughtful and romantic husband...who after working a nightshift at the hospital, snuck into my surprise birthday party at work, and had flowers and a card and a BIG WHITE MOCHA waiting for me, and of course himself (which is always the best thing I could hope to see in the middle of the day). So now I have bunches of beautiful flowers and cards from wonderful people here and there, and am feeling loved. Plus I had an excellent yoga workout and I think the caffeine is now rushing through my veins. Booyah.

My coworker decided to give me this for my birthday:
...which, let's face it, is pretty awesome (if not totally inappropriate, hah!). Also he pointed out that it's more enjoyable if you read it with a Morgan Freeman voice.

...and my in-laws come tonight, so we'll be checking off more items from our Top 100 list! Hooray for me eating unhealthy amounts of delicious foods today!

ps - saw Eclipse last night--INFINITELY better than the last 2. I guess third time really IS the charm!

Peru: 1 day (EE!)

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