Monday, May 23, 2011


On the first of what is sure to be many beautiful-weather weekends here in Atherton, Nolan and I spent quite possibly the most perfect Saturday in complete laziness. Woke up late, I sat at Starbucks and read for awhile, then we both hopped on our cruisers and took our sweet time biking to Stanford campus in the sunshine, and even got sunburns to show for it. We biked all around the campus and marveled at the beauty of it, then biked back towards home. We stopped at Starbucks and sat in the sun and sipped passion iced teas while talking about life, and then slowly pedaled back to our home and ate lunch. Then we hopped in the car, drove to Fremont, and bought Nolan a new motorcycle! I would post a picture, but I just can't do it justice, so I'll wait until I have a good one. But I will say that it was a smokin' deal and it's an absolutely gorgeous bike. Nolan's found his new mistress. We drove it home (he was happily weaving across our little road near our house), and then went to CostCo for some leisurely shopping and sampling. And there was literally like 50 sample carts. Smmmhhh! Then we came home and ate dinner and finished watching "Eat, Pray, Love", then drifted off to sleep with the fan on. Utter bliss.

Sunday was a little more hectic - we tried a new church in the area, both knew immediately (as in, within exactly 2 minutes of finding seats) that it was NOT a good fit for us, left, and drove to the city for the service at Reality :) Ah, well. Then we picked up Ash U and got Santung before heading back home to get ready for game night with several friends at our house. I should mention that Nolan forgot to eat breakfast, so he was SO hungry right after church and could not wait to get home to eat, so he rummaged through the remaining CostCo items in our trunk, dug out a can of chili, and ate it. With a playing card. Yep, my husband the doctor is super classy when ravenous. Fortunately, I grabbed my phone in time to capture the devouring:

Yep. Uncooked chili with a 9 of clubs.

1 comment:

Noemma said...

Hahaha...poor Nolan was hungry. Was the church you went to the one I recommended? If so, I'm sorry! :(