Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I prefer carcassonne to carcass

This Oatmeal article was pretty much written for us...

In other news, my house is staying brilliantly clean because I've been tenderly loving up my new vacuum. I'm serious - who knew there could be that much cat hair/human hair shedded every few days? This is why I got the special "pet care" vacuum. Also our shower has the most excellent shower pressure/amount of water EVER, and it is SO GLORIOUS having a dishwasher and a clothes washer and dryer. You have no idea.

With the exception of the rotting rotisserie chicken carcass that Nolan left in our always-warm oven (and we discovered last night by the putrid stench wafting through the house), our house has generally smelled like a clean, apple-cinnamon department store (with an underlying hint of bleach as I frantically scrubbed the bathroom with it yesterday). And really: the chicken? That is a familiar story that I thought we had left far behind us, NOLAN. Apparently he's trying to force me into vegetarianism by using only the power of my nose and the feeling of nausea generally connected with it.

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