Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thankful Thursday x2

This past weekend, our lives changed in a few big ways. The first, is that Nolan graduated from medical school, marking the official end to his long education and all of his hard work. Of course, he'll have residency and maybe fellowship and other educational opportunities he'll need to take part in, but he is now no longer a student. The second big change is that we moved out of San Francisco, and down to Atherton/Redwood City on the Peninsula. I still commute into the city for work (looong commute!), but other than that, we're officially in the 'burbs, baby. Moving has been long cited as one of the most stressful events a person can go through, and we're feeling pretty lucky to have gone through it pretty simply, with a lot of help from friends! So there is a lot to be thankful for:

1. I'm thankful for our new home. Each morning, we wake up to the sun in the windows, the cushy new carpet, and coffee smelling up our warm house. Milo loves sitting in the windowsills, watching the birds. And 2 nights ago while I was folding laundry (BECAUSE WE FINALLY HAVE A WASHER AND DRYER, PRAISE THE LORD), there was an owl in the tree out the window, hooting away. And I felt really peaceful and relaxed for about a minute, before Milo starting freaking out about it and twitching and making little chirping noises.

2. I'm thankful for our bikes! It's been super fun to have bikes to ride in a place we can actually enjoy them! Last night we biked around our area and got something to eat and a nice warm churro for the ride home. Bliss. Plus I'm a big fan of my cruiser.

3. I'm thankful for my commute. Yes, you heard that right. Even though it's long, it could be SO much worse. And I leave to and from work at such times, that there is practically no traffic on the 101. Generally, I just hop in my car with my coffee, listen to the Sarah & Vinny show on the radio, then park and hop on the BART at Millbrae, which shuttles me directly to my building in exactly 30 minutes. SWEET MERCY I've been missing out, riding the MUNI all these years.

4. I'm thankful for our friends and family, who helped us move smoothly and quickly, and made it, dare I say, FUN? Then again, I wasn't the one carrying the heavy stuff.

5. I'm thankful that I have vacation coming up next Friday. Even though it's only 6 days off, it is MUCH NEEDED.

6. I'm thankful for Nolan, as always, who is truly my media naranja and partner-in-crime (uhh, literally). Would I be overdoing it on the cliches if I said My Life Would Suck Without You?

Happy Weekend, all...I hope you enjoy the weekend (and Friday) as much as I'm going to!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the Spanish expression "media naraja!" I don't think I've ever used it before but you can bet your bootie that I'm going to work on that! LOL