Our house is slowly but very surely getting all packed away and cleaned. It's hard to pack up and all the time that takes while at the same time trying to enjoy your last few days...I have been to Santung twice in the last few days just to enjoy it while I have it close. And even looking at this picture from last night makes my mouth water:

Also, I realized just now that I have some pictures to post from when my parents came to visit me several weeks ago. For example, Alcatraz (this is the main cell block...igh):

Also we witnessed two epic fails. One was the breadmaking machine at the Boudin's factory, which was supposed to cut out tiny little balls of dough...and we watched as hundreds of those little balls stuck together and clogged the machine. Nobody noticed 'til it was falling onto the floor. See? Bread fail:

Also a sign fail that we saw in a mexican restaurant we visited:

And then I also found this picture from like 2 weeks ago when we signed our lease for our new place, and celebrated at Fresh Choice...one of our FAVOURITES. Nolan may or may not have gone back to the food bar 5 or 6 times when I took this picture during dessert:

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