Monday, July 18, 2011

in the blazes

Today, while stalking myself online, I made the not-so shocking discovery that my blog used to be so much better than it is now. I used to post pictures, videos, witty commentary (you know you like it!) I'm washed up and post stories about the freaking squirrel in my front yard. Life, have pity on me.

don't know you've googled yourself too.

I started a new book today, and can officially say that I'm now engulfed in the world of the Hunger Games. Seriously, I'm only 25% in (any other kindle readers measure books by percentages now?!), and can already let you know that this is going to be an obsession. I mean, I let myself go on the elliptical for lunch today, and 650 calories later...oops. I don't know how healthy it is to burn enough calories working out that you could eat a Chipotle burrito and be no worse for the wear. Well, half of a Chipotle burrito anyway.

Anyway: Hunger Games. I've been hearing about it for...awhile now. And since Ash U gifted me the kindle version a few months ago, and since Erin won't stop talking about it, I figured it was time to get started. Hello, bandwagon, remember me?

Last night I was plugging in Nolan's phone for him to charge. This sounds like a small thing, but seriously, he nevers remembers to do it, and then he is phone-less for a day or more, and I can't get through to him if I need something or want to confirm that he is picking me up in a whole different city after work and I don't want to be waiting there alone at the BART station for someone who HASN'T CONFIRMED THEY ARE COMING...anyway: I plugged in his phone and noticed that he had a picture of me from earlier in the summer, when it was as hot as the fires of hell outside, and we were stuck in Davis for the afternoon just whiling away the hours in the scorching heat. I look tired. But when I opened his pictures to see what other pictures of me he has in there...not snooping, just looking (hi Nolan! sorry!), I saw that apparently that is the only picture he has. No other pictures. At all. Just the tired-looking Anneliese one. Meanwhile I have probably 500 pictures of nothing on my phone. You know, Milo, weird things in San Francisco, Muffin the squirrel, myself, Milo, food, giants games, Milo. So naturally, I emailed that picture to myself. And now I'm going to post it on here, because I want you all to see what my summer vacation looked like. I can describe it: hot, park-bench, sweaty-butt, nasty Chipotle soda, slight sunburn.

All I can say is that I am SO GLAD I bought that hat in Vegas, because even if it ended up being pointless there, it came in handy for my one day of summer.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I LOVE the whole Hunger Games series! I have been telling Ashley to read them for so long!