Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Obviously, the main thing I'm so thankful for today is my best friend and confidante and lover and playmate, my awesome husband Nolan. Since today is our 4th anniversary and all. So I'm just going to hop to it so I can get to celebrating!

1. I'm SO THANKFUL for Nolan. Want me to go further into detail? DO YOU HAVE 50,000 HOURS?
2. I'm thankful for good books. They've kept me riveted on the train, at the gym, on lunch sometimes, at home when I've got a few hours alone...there's nothing I love more than a good book.
3. I'm thankful for my in-laws, who are visiting today and this weekend! We don't get to see them that often, but they're a hoot and we always enjoy the time we have with them. I'm lucky to have such great family-in-law.
4. I'm thankful for the USPS as we know it. I heard on the radio that in the very near future, we could only be getting mail 3 days a week instead of 6, and that stresses me out. So even though they have no money, thanks, USPS, for still getting us our mail most days of the week.
5. I'm thankful for our vacuum. I got it specifically to clean pet hair out of our home, and it has done that WITH A VENGEANCE. I can vacuum 5 times a week and still get a huge ball o' hair each time (and not just Milo's hair :( ), which tells me this was an excellent buy. Friends with pet allergies: be grateful.

I'm off to start my weekend in style, so HAPPY WEEKEND to you all!

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