Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Is anyone else having a hard time believing that it's Thursday already? I mean, really. I'll be old and dead before I know it.

This week has been somewhat of a challenge in its own right - the weeks at work that I think will be relaxed always end up being ridiculous and busy, and then all this other stuff pops up conveniently. Like making appointments for the car and my eyes and my annual check-up and wellness appt and a teeth cleaning and paying bills and doing traffic school (oops) and running errands. I cannot even fathom how it all happens at one time like this. But there you have it. And then Nolan and I have been having issues sleeping. We thought it was the heat at first so we started iceboxing our room right before bed, luck. It's so hard to get up in the mornings after poor sleep. So we're still stumped.

Fortunately, I have a ton to be thankful for.

1. I am thankful for the life Nolan and I have built together. I know it will be "under construction" as long as we live, but we like it and we're okay with that. We truly have a wonderful life.
2. I'm thankful Nolan is on Anesthesiology to start off his residency. Short shifts and plenty of down-time make for lots of time together!
3. I'm thankful for friends and family, who encourage and advise us, and are there whether we need to have fun or just talk.
4. I'm thankful for good food! My most recent favourite dessert is so simple: fresh raspberries, frozen blueberries, and sprinkled with Splenda. SO GOOD and so guilt-free :)
5. I'm thankful for my gym and the classes there and...I don't know, my work-out ethic? Whatever it is, I'm thankful for the opportunity to work out every day because it makes me happy and healthy and strong!
6. I'm thankful for late birthdays! I was sent a card and some money for my birthday, and it just recently arrived because of "routing" issues. Heh. So I took myself to Anthropologie and got the sweetest sugar and creamer set there that I had been eyeing for awhile to match my kitchen.
7. I'm thankful for surprises! My mom had bought tickets ages ago for a play this weekend, before realizing that not only would my brother be at OCS for several weeks, but also that my dad would be at a training in Tucson and she would be hanging out there with him this weekend! So that means...3 free tickets for Anneliese and Nolan! And Josh Brock, for the third one. So we'll be off to Sacramento to savour a lazy afternoon with the arts.

Happy weekend to all! I'll try to be more on top of blogging next week.

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