Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Next Thursday, I'll have a whole lot more to be thankful for, since next Thursday is our 4th wedding anniversary. I decided that I needed a picture, therefore, to kick off the week in style - celebrating both my anniversary and the arrival of Harry Potter 7.2 in theaters (midnight tonight!!!). I mean, fitting - right? We have tickets to see it tomorrow with a couple of friends right after we go to In-N-Out (tradition, eh!), and I CANNOT wait. I'm also excited about my anniversary though, heh.

But, that is next week, so...this week:

1. I'm thankful for opportunities. I won't go into detail just yet.
2. I'm thankful for upcoming vacations! I get 2 weeks off soon, one in early September and one in early December (hey, that is something exciting in my book!).
3. I'm thankful for challenges, as I mentioned last week. I'm currently reading a book that is challenging a lot of what I thought I believed, and while I at first found it extremely difficult to take seriously, it's starting to hit home a little more now. To quote the founders of America's obesity problem: "I'm lovin' it".
4. I'm thankful for those little moments where you just stop, take a deep breath, and think to yourself, "life is good".
5. ...

Sometimes I run out of things to say I'm thankful for, because it feels like I'd be leaving something amazing out. So I'll stop there for today and keep it short and sweet.

As a little treat, I found this today via a friend on facebook, and it is ALARMINGLY true about San Franciscans. Though, I don't really consider myself one anymore ;)
A Day in the Life of the Modern San Franciscan


Heidi said...

That pic made me guffaw at my desk. Also, you guys got married exactly a week before me and my husband - random! Have fun at H.P.! We're going tonight and I'm sporting my Hogwarts t-shirt and Gryffindor travel mug today. Go ahead, co-workers...judge away.

Brystal said...

That picture is hillarious.