...which wouldn't have been interesting on its own, but when I scrolled down and read this review, it immediately became just a little more riveting (click to enlarge):

We did indeed end up trying the Peruvian restaurant last night, El Hueco. It was delicious and authentic, and the service was great. The owner himself (an older Peruvian man) kept checking on us and making suggestions. Of course, while we left, Nolan said to him, "the food was great - it tasted just like the food we had in Peru!" thinking this was a compliment. The owner gave us a look like, "that's probably because IT IS THE SAME". Ah well. We then went across the street and threw our healthy-habits out the window and got blizzards at Dairy Queen. And oh man, they were so worth it. Speaking of things I like...
1. I'm thankful for time I got to spend with Nolan last night. Plus the fact that tonight is his last OB shift and then we have the whole weekend free to spend together!
2. I'm thankful for my car! I'm still enthralled by having such a great ride. And I've gotten significantly spoiled, to the point that I think I can never again own a car that doesn't turn its lights on for me when it senses darkness. Love!
3. I'm thankful for new beginnings. Our women's small group started on Tuesday, and tonight I spent some time with my partner for the week over coffee and chatting. I'm loving getting to know and grow with these women!
4. I'm thankful for our home. So often recently, I've thought about when we were in San Francisco this time of year, and how I had chilblains already from being so cold in our own house. And here I am lounging in a tank top and eating frozen blueberries. Life is sweet.
5. I'm thankful for my health. I've teetered on the brink of coming down with something (and being painfully sore after the gym and having epic heartburn two days in a row) for a couple weeks now, and I think I'm actually going to come out on top without getting sick (knock on wood). When I start to feel like I'm not in tip-top shape, it makes me really appreciate the rest of the time when I am in such great health.
6. I'm thankful for sleep. I've seen how Nolan's been so zombie-like these few weeks while he's running on 2-3 hours of sleep per day (if that, on some days!), and it makes me feel luxurious to be able to sleep at least 7 hours a night. Even though really, I'd be in better mental shape if I could get 8...
Happy weekend, all!
Quote of the day:
Brandon: "Nolan called me too when he saw Obama. I'm pretty sure he wet himself while he was talking to me."