Generally I like to think of myself as thick-skinned, but I think I'm softening a little with age. Becoming more sensitive, caring and empathetic? That may be pushing it. So I was in this new gym class, "Ultimate Conditioning" that I've been taking for a couple weeks now. It's the one that makes my butt sore in the middle - where I didn't know I could even get sore, and then when I sit in my Wednesday Pilates class and she has us stretch out our IT bands, I literally groan out loud because it hurts so good. Anyway, this class: so I generally follow along pretty well in here, and don't stop to take a break or anything, but yesterday I took a BRIEF pause while he was explaining the next exercise, and the instructor smacked my mat with his fist and said "GET UP!". So embarrassing! Also the fact that I had sweat streaming down my forehead and getting into my eyes, so I was wiping them while this was happening. It may have looked like I was sobbing. BUT I WASN'T. Maybe I need to snag a spot in the back of the class from now on.
Nolan and I have been trying to keep our heads above water while he's on his OB rotations, meaning we hang out EVERY possible second we can. He works literally opposite shifts as I do, so for example yesterday I just happened to get home right before he left (usually I miss him by about 30 min), and so we got to see each other for 60 seconds. So I'm more than a little excited that he doesn't have to go in until later tonight, so we'll have a few hours to ourselves for a date night. He gave me first pick of where to go, so I'm thinking
El Hueco, which I've been dying to try and is biking distance from our house! Bonus!
...Aaaand here are a few more photos from our mini-reunion with family in Moss Landing a couple weeks ago:

Nolan was pretty serious about his bowl of ice cream, as you can see.
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