Valentine's Day for us is generally something along the lines of finding a place nobody else is eating at and then going home and playing a game or watching a movie. After the drama that was dating through college, we eventually gave up on the traditional Valentine's Day celebrations (though I think I still have a little white bear that Nolan gave me sophomore year) and decided to make it an excuse to eat out and watch a movie and not be judged for just hanging out by ourselves. Last year we went to Gorilla BBQ in Pacifica, which was literally a trailer on the side of the highway, and then we watched a movie and got FroYo at home. This year we were even less exciting. Food trucks have gotten super popular in big cities in the last 5 years or so. Some of these places have the most amazing food - there is one just a block from my office that specializes in unique creme brulees. So there's one in the Bay Area that has several trucks - Curry Up Now. It's some kind of Indian-fusion food (tikka masala burritos, anyone?), and is supposed to be awesome. This was our plan last night: to track it down. The twitter feed said it was in Sunnyvale at 650 E El Camino Real until 8pm. So we got in the car, sat through massive traffic with angry, hungry bellies, and a freeway onramp. At which there was definitely no number 650 and no curry truck. We must have driven all up and down Camino Real and there was no truck. Nobody answering the phone. So by 7pm (so late for dinner!), we're hangry and frustrated...mostly. Nolan kept trying to find it, saying, "it's kind of exciting! like a scavenger hunt!", and meanwhile I'm snatching the phone and crossing my arms and telling him that if we don't get some curry of ANY KIND in my belly ASAP, then I will cut somebody. So we pulled into a nearby lot, in which there was an Indian market next to a dingy Indian restaurant called "Peacock Indian Cuisine". As soon as we got inside, we realized it was a major win. Not only was it packed with Indian customers (don't judge - it really is a good sign!), but it smelled amazing and the buffet was a smokin' deal. We already have big plans to return. So:
Curry Up Now: 0
Peacock: 1
After dinner, we were SO full that we got into our jammies and immediately went to bed. Exciting? Maybe not. Satisfying and awesome to fall asleep with your Valentine in a delicious curry-coma? Definitely.
Last weekend I bought a new pair of gym shoes to keep at work. During the week I use 3 different pairs for working out, depending on where I am. I have my outdoor running shoes for home, my indoor cross-training shoes (so my carpet doesn't get dirty), and my gym shoes to use at the gym in San Francisco during the workweek. This means I use at least 2 pairs a day with my current routine, and so they get a fair amount of wear. A new pair may not seem like a big deal, but for me it was huge. The ones I had been using at the gym have holes through the heels, and are actually the same ones I bought freshman year of college. Doh. Apparently gym shoes have come a long way since freshman year of college,because I put these on, and I was like, "what! I'm not even wearing shoes! They're SO LIGHT!" And it was great. Especially since I got them for $20.

Plus, I love that the bright pink soles will be blinding whoever is behind me at all times.
Daily struggle: how to eat an egg at my desk without anyone knowing I'm eating an egg at my desk. It's practically committing a crime to eat a hard-boiled egg at your desk when you work in a cubicle environment. After staring at the shell and my desk surfaces and knowing that everyone would know what a loud "crack" means, I finally just squeezed the stupid thing and crushed the shell so I could peel it off silently. I had to eat it within a minute to minimize the stench, but I think it was a general success after I sealed up the shells in a bag and tossed them away.
Ugh!!! I knew I smelled something!!!
Solution: peel egg before leaving home!, spray or burn some freshly scented aroma. :)
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