Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This week has been pretty great. Between Valentine's Day and Sake & Sushi with girlfriends, a fun game night + curry and cakeballs on Sunday, and a great date day with Nolan...I'm feeling pretty awesome and blessed. Not that I didn't already. My quiet time study this week was focusing on the topic of hope, per last week's sermon at The Highway. Lots of the questions were about hopelessness, and what areas we feel hopeless in our lives or sense hopelessness in others. I honestly didn't have an answer for either of those. I cannot think of a single area in which I not only have hope for the present and future, but my cup seems to be overflowing in all sectors. So there's a lot I could be thankful for, but it's one of those weeks where I feel like writing down everything that I'm thankful for would just take up too much space, and I can't limit myself to 5. I hope each and every one of you will be filled to the brim and share with me in this - and not take it for granted!

What are you most thankful for this week?

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