Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Guys, I've spent all week wrapping up this project at work and coming home and cooking unique meals and falling into bed. I'm tired. At least there's been good food. I've been on a cooking kick lately, making some awesome new dinner and dessert each night for the two of us to enjoy, and while we've been loving it, I'm wondering if my energy for it will run out soon. Or my budget.

Last night I made 40 cake balls using a from-scratch yellow cake recipe I found, and some cream-cheese peanut butter filling. Mixed the two together (after I ate about a quarter of the yellow cake right out of the oven - oops) and now have the tasty bites in my fridge, waiting to be dipped tomorrow at a cake ball party I'm going to. All flavours, all sorts of decorations, friends, and food? Best Friday ever is in store for me. But for now, I need a quiet night. So on with it:

1. I'm thankful that this week marks the close of phase 1 of my big project at work. I'm ready for 2 weeks of normal work again! I can't say enough about this,
2. I'm thankful for motivation. I have been super motivated in almost area of my life lately, and sticking to my guns (this includes my New Year's Commitments...still going strong!) when I feel like indulging. Prime example was this morning (and every morning, for that matter) when my feet hit the floor at 4:55am and I stood there and thought to myself, "this...this is not sustainable." And yet 5 minutes later I'm starting my workout and feeling happy about it. Hey, if I'm going to really make my time with Nolan a priority over working out and cooking and stuff (this is something I realized I needed to improve on about 2 weeks ago), I have to be willing to do things like get up at the buttcrack of dawn to start sweating.
3. I'm thankful for sweet moments with Nolan. He woke himself up to say goodbye to me this morning, even though he could have slept until 1pm. Made my day.
4. I'm thankful for good times with extended family. Had a few of those recently, and it's been really fun to catch up with my Oma and aunt and cousin!
5. I'm thankful for good books that keep me engaged on my train ride home. Only problem here is TOO many good books! Currently reading The Tiger's Wife and loving it...but I'll be honest - it was REALLY hard to tear myself away from Game of Thrones (book 2) to start The Tiger's Wife. I'm VERY against reading two books at once (how can you truly enjoy one if you're thinking about the other?!), and the only reason I did it this time is because our book club meets again next week and we're supposed to have finished it. Oops.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I hear ya about the 4:55 workouts. My husband thinks I'm a nut job for waking up at 5am to run. But for real! That's literally the ONLY time I can budget for it. All about priorities. Keep up the good work! :)