Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, but I'm thankful all the same

It's been a busy week, with driving to/from Oregon to visit family, getting back to work, and running errands to get our house in order (it was a disaster). So it is no surprise to me, at least, that I've been MIA this week from here. I also had grand plans to post a bunch of pictures, but I still haven't wrangled them all together yet - not that there are tons anyway. This will happen soon.

For now, until I have a bit more time and can get those pictures on here, I'm just going to say that I'm so very thankful that I have such a wonderful family, both blood and in-laws. It's a rare thing to have such close relationships with both sides, and I don't take it for granted.

It's Friday afternoon, it's gorgeous and hot outside, and the weekend is here - tomorrow is our 5 year wedding anniversary, and I'm so excited to celebrate with my amazing husband!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary!!! I can't believe it's been 5 years!!!