Monday, July 23, 2012

odds and ends

Before we left for Oregon, I happened to burn myself on the oven while taking a zucchini lasagna (yum!) out, and since it was pretty bad, Nolan whipped out his fancy numbing lotion and clear sealing bandage and fixed me up. After 10 minutes it felt much better, and when I woke up I couldn't feel it at all! There are perks to having a doctor in the house :) 

Okay, and now for a few pictures from Oregon, though I'm really only posting a couple because they're all on facebook and there are just too many. This one is one of my favourites...cuddling with my nephew. He's so sweet and smells delicious and soft. I just want to pinch his little cheeks! Maybe I will...when he's older.

We also went for a walk through Stout Grove with Nolan's parents, who got married there! It's such a beautiful place, with the ancient redwoods towering over you what feels like miles in the sky. Gorgeous.

This Saturday was our 5th wedding anniversary, and we had kind of an adventurous day. We woke up and ate a tasty breakfast and had lattes together, then decided we'd go to Great America since we didn't have tickets to Les Miserables like we'd been hoping. So we printed the tickets and parking pass, drove down there, and sat in the parking lot outside the gates, because Nolan wanted to make sure some guy he'd contacted about Les Mis tickets had a chance to call him back. Sure enough, the phone rings, he says the 8pm tickets are ours to pick up at 1:30 (it was 11am at the time), and to meet him at the theaters. So we killed some time by eating lunch at a MiniGolf place and playing arcade games.


After arcade games, we picked up the tickets (Hallelujah!), went home and changed, and headed up to SF to visit our old neighbourhood, meet a friend at our favourite old boba place, stop for a few bits of dim sum along the way, and walk to Santung for our favourite dry-fried chicken! It was amazing. AND we found out that the dessert place next door is owned by the same owners, and actually serves everything on Santung's menu (they share a kitchen, so it's easy). So instead of waiting outside in line for an hour, we had immediate seats and were immediately served our food in the little place next door. That's a secret we're going to preserve!

After dinner (and okay, some Tuttimelon), we drove the scenic route through the park by where we got engaged, and then went downtown for Les Mis. I'm not even going to attempt to describe how incredible it was, because there are no words. If you're in the Bay Area, go see it. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day celebrating 5 amazing years of marriage with my soulmate. We've certainly learned a lot these 5 years, and I can't wait to have the rest of our lives together! Who knew it would be so easy to fall deeper and deeper in love with the same man each day after years together? Biggest surprise: I still find his messiness endearing (don't tell him, though!). I can't help feeling like God's spoiled me by giving me Nolan.

Some nights, you just have to have dessert for dinner, you know? Last night I polished off the delicious lemon coconut tart I made (thanks for another great, healthy dessert option, Anna!) and watched the Tudors as I hemmed another pair of Nolan's pants. It was the best dinner ever.

Just because this is adorable, here's a video I took of Nolan doing his special move, "The Gazelle" with our nephew. Works like a charm - we tried it on another baby a few days ago with similar results!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you forget to include the link to the video? It isn't showing on your blog page. :(