Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Yesterday was a holiday, and I woke up thinking of how productive I'd be, all the places I'd go and fun things I'd do...and then I got locked out of my house while putting in a load of laundry. Since we live in a duplex, we share a main entryway to the outside (for which there is a spare and we can always get in), and then up the stairs we have our own door. No spare for that one, but we never lock it, so no big deal. Except that Nolan worked the nightshift Tuesday night, so I locked it. And forgot to unlock it in the morning, so when I closed it behind me...locked. I could hear Milo crying from the inside while I fumbled with tiny tools to try and pick it. I even tried setting up a ladder outside our window outside, but I couldn't quite reach. I tried calling Nolan from our neighbour's phone, but he didn't pick up since he was at work until 1pm (this all happened around 8am). So...I was locked out, thankfully had already put up my hair and washed my face and changed into my workout clothes, and had only my starbucks card in my pocket, since that was my destination to walk to after putting in laundry. The only other resource I had was my bike, so I hopped on and rode 5 miles to Erin's house, hoping she was home. She was, and by the time I got there, Nolan was able to pick up his phone, and told me he was on his way back. Hallelujah! 5 miles later, I was back in, and my day resumed, though I definitely had to move some stuff around. That brings me to:

1. I'm thankful I wasn't locked out while still in my pajamas. That would have been...a sight to behold. They're definitely not meant to be worn in public like some pajamas.
2. I'm thankful for a bike! It's been a lifesaver now a few times! Plus, it's awesome.
3. I'm thankful for my cute nephew, who is getting cuter by the day! So glad he's healthy and thriving! Excited to meet him in just about a week!
4. I'm thankful for family! We had a really fun 4th of July with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins, and my other Aunt and cousins visiting from China!
5. I'm thankful for good books (again), because the BART has been having some major track issues...the other day, I waited over an hour for my train to come, and then it was really slow and kept stopping while on it. Boo. At least good books have been keeping me entertained and passing the time!

What are you thankful for?

ps - 3 weeks into P90X, and loving it still! I'm for sure seeing muscle definition happening already. I just had to adjust to a different kind of workout after Insanity :)

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