Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday already again, and even though the minutes of each day this week have been draaaaggging by (they always do before vacation, don't they?), the days themselves have passed quickly. Which is kind of  a shame, because it means the days on vacation will pass quickly too. Sigh.

Ash has been here since Tuesday evening, and she's been commuting into the city with me by day and visiting art galleries, sitting in on classes at the Academy of Art, and meeting up with professors. Sounds like fun, eh? Last night we ate at Karakade with Nolan, Erin, and Susan, and calorie-splurged at froyo afterwards - I would eat Thai food EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. Seriously. Also, you can tell that Nolan and I don't eat sugary stuff often, because when we got our froyo, everyone else filled their cups maybe half-full and put a few pieces of fruit on top...Nolan and I filled ours all the way up and put chocolatey goodness and nuts and peanut butter chips and stuff on ours. Hey, if you're going to splurge every once in awhile: go big or go home, y'all.

But now I'm tired thinking of all that food, so let's move onto healthier things:

1. I'm thankful for vacation coming up! And I mean this mini-one that starts this weekend, but also our fantastic one in September. Woohoo!
2. I'm thankful for information. I feel like I'm one of those ignorant people who just kind of cruises along believing something until someone tells me otherwise. It drives Nolan crazy. Google really is my best friend in these cases, and I learn something every day. For example: all my life I thought I couldn't equalize my ears (and therefore probably never scuba). We were reading up on scuba tips a few days ago (that's a hint about our fun vacation!), and I found out that there are other, better ways to do it. I tested it out, and voila! Cue an eyeroll from Nolan.
3. I'm thankful for flexibility at my job. For example: though I can't wear jeans to work, I don't have to wear a suit. I also can walk into the office in flip-flops (as long as I change into heels once I'm at my desk!), which significantly improves the quality of my commute. I remembered this yesterday when I wore 4-inch heels to work from home :( I also love that I don't have to be in at or stay until a certain time. And that I can work from home sometimes. The list goes on and on.
4. I'm thankful for how fun Nolan is. I could never, ever be married to or remotely happy with someone who didn't like to play and just be silly sometimes a lot.
5. I'm thankful for our weather. It seems to be really crappy almost everywhere else in the country right now, and where we live, is just perfect. Hot, but not miserably. Nice and cool in the mornings and evenings. I also appreciate wearing flip-flops year-round. It's the little things, you know?

What are you thankful for?

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