Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Due in part to the fact that we've been craving waffles, and in part to the fact that a huge box is pretty hard to hide in a home our size, Nolan let me open my birthday present (2 and a half weeks) early last night! YAY for our new Belgian waffle-maker! I have some seriously tasty, healthy recipes I've been dying to try. And what beats fresh Belgian waffles for breakfast? Go ahead, tell me.

Since I'm working from home tomorrow, it means instead of getting up way early to get to the office, I can instead get up a little bit early and have breakfast with N before both of us start work. Guess what's on the menu?

I love Amazon. Seriously, you can get anything there. This morning I broke Nolan's nice jumprope while doing (or trying, anyway) double-unders. Whoops. To Amazon we go! Oh and while I'm at it, I'll get a big bag or xylitol, and whatever else is on my shopping list. Fantastisch!

Last week we went mini-golfing for our date night. Did I already talk about this? No? Okay - we went to the course in Sunnyvale, which IMO was ridiculously hard. Like, they had skee-ball style holes. For mini-golf. Anyway - we bet dessert on the winner...and I lost miserably, and was almost forced to get a slice of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (healthy eaters' hell!), but then we came to the bonus 19th hole. The one where you have to hit the ball up a ramp and into a tiny little pvc tube that is barely as big as the golf ball. Impossible. And my friends, just as I was ramping up for my shot, Nolan stood behind me and said, "Yeah, I give this a 10,000-to-one chance that you'll..." and then I hit it in. And the alarm went off. And I won a free round of golf for next time...and the best part was Nolan's face. Best look of shock ever.

So along with avoiding the Cheesecake Factory, I have a lot of other things that have really brightened up my week. Hopefully you have too - June is a magical month!

1. I'm thankful I get to have a breakfast date tomorrow with my incredible husband.
2. I'm thankful for CrossFit! It's totally kicking my butt arms whole body.
3. I'm thankful for good friends. Sometimes it's just so nice that friends invite you to crash their family dinner so you aren't eating alone while S/O is at work.
4. I'm thankful for hot showers. Nothing soothes sore, tired muscles like a steaming hot shower. Or foam-rolling - yeah, that too.
5. I'm thankful for long days and cool summer mornings. I was running for my warm-up at 5:15 this morning, and was just so cheered by the fresh, cold air and the sun slowly starting to rise over the Santa Cruz mountains. Beautiful!

What are you thankful for?

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