Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The perils of having a weave: random chunky hair loss in public places.

True story. I sit on a floor at work where at least 1 (I suspect another, though) woman has a weave, and I've seen big chunks that have fallen off just sitting in places like our hallway, the bathroom, by someone's desk that she's been lingering at. Today it was the bathroom floor, and I *almost* took a picture...but I firmly believe the bathroom is the one place where phones should be taboo. I don't want to know what else you're taking pictures of in there.


Today I made the decision to really start doing CrossFit. Since I can't afford to join an official CrossFit gym right now (on top of the gym my work subsidizes), it means doing it solo at my gym or at home, depending on the WOD (workout of the day). I've been waffling on this, because it means a lot of self-education on technique, lots of time practicing, and most likely...just plain working really hard. We already both decided to join a CF gym together next year when we settle in an area and get to pick a new gym, but today when I was checking out the WOD on the official site, I thought: why not just jump right in? So I have. See, they post all the WODs online for each day here, as well as a bunch of other useful material, including videos of technique, etc. It's pretty awesome.

Since I like to plan out my days/week life in advance, I decided to start myself a week behind the postings, so I can know what the workouts are for a whole week in advance. So today I did the May 29 WOD, and tomorrow I'm doing the May 30 WOD. Make sense? I thought today's was going to be really easy - back squats? No problem! So I did the official warmup they've developed...which took longer than I anticipated...and then jumped right in. I did a few practice sets with light weight, and then went to what I "should" be squatting. Apparently I'm weaker than I thought, and failed out and had to drop weight during the sets of 2 :( Here are my results today:

WOD: 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 back squats
95 lbs
95 lbs
95 lbs (FAIL)
85 lbs
85 lbs
85 lbs
85 lbs
85 lbs
85 lbs

Sorry if this is boring reading material, but hey - I haven't been this excited about a new challenge in a long time!

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