Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today, my lunch was courtesy of two of my favourite things: CrossFit and Pinterest. The turkey meatballs were a (paleo) recipe from a CrossFit blog I was reading. The delicious veggie "pasta" was from a pinner on Pinterest who pointed out that you can buy a pre-shredded mix of broccoli, cabbage, and carrot. You just steam it for 5 min and voila! The sauce is basically just tomatoes and herbs, haha. I had this lunch a couple weeks ago and had to re-make it because it was so delicious. New fave!

But you didn't come here to see pictures of my lunch, did you? This week has been busy with transitional pieces of having new team members at work. One of which is my new boss, which is super exciting. At risk of putting too much information about work on here (which is never a good idea - just ask Dooce), I'll just say that the new situation is fabulous and I couldn't be more pleased. w00t for even more reason to enjoy my job!

That seems to be a good segue into my list for the week...

1. I'm thankful for a great new boss and new opportunities! Let's be honest - my old boss was pretty fantastic, but so far I'm loving the new situation and all that comes with it! I've been pretty dang blessed to have such supportive, kind, and encouraging bosses who push me to be the best I can, and genuinely care about not only my career, but also me as a person.
2. I'm thankful for great food. Do I even have to explain this one?
3. I'm thankful for new perspective. I'm reading a book that is encouraging me to change my view of God, the world, and especially my role in all of it.
4. I'm thankful for little shopping excursions with research study monies! Fun!
5. I'm thankful for good conversations with old friends :)

What are you thankful for?

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