Monday, August 23, 2010

Hot August Nights

Finally, we have a little heat here in the city! And when it rains, it pours. Combined with the ever-present but seldom-felt humidity here, it was pretty awesomely hot and sticky to the point where I wanted to go back indoors. Oh San Francisco, if only you were like this more often.

I've officially entered in the home stretch of studying for my GRE. And by that I mean I studied a little bit a couple months ago, then signed up for it this past take it in 4 weeks. I feel fine with that but I'm pretty sure Nolan is panicking on my behalf. So I'm switching from not blogging because I'm tired from meetings all day to maybe blogging a little less because I'm stuck studying every night. Blah.

On another note, I've settled on my Halloween costume FAR ahead of schedule this year. It was between a giant banana, a nun, and I toyed with the idea of going as Hermione again and making Nolan be Harry Potter this time (since he sincerely regretted not doing so last year). But I'm not doing any of those.
And I had to add this, to show just how hot it is and how poorly Milo is adapted to it. He was laying like this on our bed when I walked in. Hah!

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