Monday, August 16, 2010

I have a dream

I feel a little bit sacrilegious writing about this with that title, but: Last night I had a very vivid dream about smelly cheese, and it kept me from sleeping. And I really don't say that to be funny, I mean, it was MISERABLE. We had pizza last night for dinner, and the cheese was, okay, a little greasy and whatnot, and the smell was on my hands for awhile until I washed them before bed. BUT, that still is no reason why I should have dreamed that I smelled rotten cheese so violently that I almost threw up a couple times. And I couldn't sleep because of this stinking pizza-cheese smell all around me. I swear, it was awful. Can we say lucid dreams?

I'm also a little bit warm and pink and itchy, because I spent a LOVELY weekend in Davis with Ash U., and we spent many hours in the sun and swimming at the pool. So I got just a bit tanned and pink. Heh. Maybe that had something to do with my weirdo dreams. Sun fever?

Nolan has refused to watch Harry Potter with me tonight after our cleaning party, and won't listen to the Harry Potter Pandora station that I so lovingly built. So while he is out moving his motorcycle for street-cleaning, I switched our Pandora playlist to my Harry Potter one, and am soaking it up for the 5 minutes that I can until he gets back and discovers it. Also desperately trying to swat Milo away from the table where he keeps poaching pieces of sauteed tofu off of my plate while I'm sneakily changing the music.

In case you were thinking that your life was spiraling out of control without my charming and witty blogs to keep you rollin', you'll have to hold on a bit longer. I'll be back up and running next week sometime. But until then, I'm trying to just hold on to my sanity myself.


Anonymous said...

Just don't dream about limburger.. or maybe you already did last night...ha ha :)

Heidi said...

Harry Potter. It hit me the other day that it's only about three months until Part 1 of Deathly Hallows comes out. SHYEAH.