I feel like it would be a gross misrepresentation of my fan-ship to write all about the Giants on here and the World Series, and seeing as how everyone's heard it all on Facebook already, I'll just sum it up by saying
YESSSSSSSSSSSS! and also that this city is STILL going nuts. Hopefully I can step out for the ticker tape parade tomorrow to celebrate. Hopefully nobody gets trampled by maniacal fans. Hopefully this means I can stop wearing orange and black. Even my beloved Boudins got in the spirit (but dually for Halloween AND the Giants!):

...my coworker left this on my chair last Friday. Apparently he snagged it from a kindergarten classroom (I'm not even joking!):

Also it's high time I posted my Halloween pics, so here they are! Obviously Brystal was the
meat-dress Lady Gaga (check out those shoes!!!) and I was a lesser, poorer version of Poker Face Lady Gaga (I'll put the real version below for reference). Halfway through the night I realized I could just take off the do-rag and I'd be good to go as
Sandy from the end of Grease. Booyah, dual use.

Here's the reference, of what I was going for:

And Ash U
went as a Sham-Wow, which was basically the most clever costume ever, that she invented about 1 hour before we took these. Amazing! So we thought we'd take an action shot of Brystal using her new sham-wow on our dusty chairs.

I have to add, that Nolan went as a shadow, and made a darn good one...except we didn't get any pictures. Not that it would have shown anything in the dark anyway, since he was basically invisible! But oh well, he enjoyed making people feel awkward and nervous, so that's all that matters.
And another announcement: the starbucks holiday cups are in, and cuter this year! This makes me feel like Christmas all over again, so watch out Bing, here I come.

Yesterday, Nolan and I tried another item from the Top 100 list:
#49 - Ginger snaps from MietteThese little guys are SUPER SPICY, like a chunk of ginger just exploded in your mouth. But they're also buttery and delicious and crisp, and make me feel like decorating my house with fake snow and icing icicles and gumdrops on the walkway...or wait, that was my gingerbread house last year.